Mark Passio’s 10 Basic New Age Deceptions

1. Ignore the “Negative”

Looking at or focusing on the negative, gives it energy and power to exist. Feeding it your energy of attention and focus will create more negative. Ignorance is the solution.

Correction: Seeing the negativity for what it is creates an ability to steel oneself against its harmful effects and perhaps avoid them entirely. The notion that you make things worse by focusing on negative issues is false. Ignoring negative issues, like symptoms of an illness, only serves to make the issues worse. Refusing to look at critical information, just because it makes you uncomfortable, is willfully choosing a state of ignorance—to remain un-conscious.

2. Never Get Angry

“No one should ever get angry, it’s an emotion that needs to be purged from your system.”

Correction: While non-righteous and unchanneled anger is counter-productive to individual development and collective efforts to bring about collective change, righteous indignation can be a major motivation to create positive change in the world. If you are not outraged by what’s happening around you, you are not paying attention—you are unconscious.

3. It’s All One, So it’s All Good

Many New Agers tout concepts such as Right & Wrong as “dualistic” and therefore invalid. They try to convince us that EVERYTHING is OK because “we’re all one.” This is dangerous moral relativism.

Correction: “Conscience” literally means: “to know together”, to have “common sense”. It is the knowledge of the objective difference between “right” and “wrong.” We live in duality, Spirit is NOT superior to Matter—and it is NOT all good.

4. You Can Never Really Know

New Age Solipsism: The ideology that knowledge of anything outside of one’s own mind is unsure, there cannot be an objective reality and nothing can be truly known.

Correction: Perception is NOT reality: our work is to align the two. Solipsism is a defining hallmark of spiritual infancy. Departing from this diseased ideology is a sure-fire sign of the beginnings of human maturity and spiritual development.

5. Accept Injustice, Never Resist

The abuse of meditation and yoga. The New Age Movement has been distorting these practices into means to take people’s minds off the fact, that they have been enslaved, and make it easy for them to accept the current condition of the world as their lot in life. “Never take action to try and change the things, that are wrong with this world.”

Correction: Meditation’s correct purpose is rebalancing the left/right balance in the brain. Yoga’s proper purpose is to help us discover what our TRUE WORK is, and to motivate us to DO IT. Start saying “No.” The correct use of “force” is NOT the same as “violence.”

6. A Watered-Down Law of Attraction

The New Age variant of the Law of Attraction is largely based in the modality of Service-to-Self.

Correction: Natural Law: The REAL Law of Attraction is a system of Universal, non-man-made, binding and immutable conditions that govern the consequences of behavior. It is Service to Truth, not Self. We co-create our reality in harmony with Natural Law.

7. Turning the Other Cheek (it evens out the scars!)

The false notion of unconditional forgiveness.

Correction: True forgiveness does NOT mean continuing to excuse the willful commission of wrong-doing an infinite number of times. That is naiveté at best, and complicity with evil at worst. We must stand up for our beliefs and NOT tolerate the harmful actions of others.

8. Chaos Should Be Feared

If I give up my freedoms, then I’ll be safe. The current Control & Slavery system is about limitation of Free Will, of aspiration, through the destruction of possibility: the Death of Imagination.

Correction: Bridging the Divide: True freedom includes infinite possibility, which, by definition, includes the possibility of Chaos. This must be embraced without Fear if we are to be truly Free.  “Anarchy” does not mean chaos: it means “No Rulers, no Masters.” We need to stop believing in “Authority.”

9. We Must Feel Good all the Time

We innately want to be comfortable, and this is played upon by our rulers, who constantly distract us with more and more ways to insulate ourselves from reality.

Correction: The Truth of the current human condition SHOULD make us feel uncomfortable. This is called awareness, consciousness. We should use that discomfort to motivate ourselves to create REAL CHANGE in the world through our ACTIONS.

“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious. The latter procedure, however, is disagreeable and therefore not popular.” — Carl Gustav Jung

10. Truth Doesn’t Need to be Defended

Never confront anyone on their bullshit (even though it is harming people). There is no need to defend truth.

Correction: WE are the vehicles by which Truth operates in the world. Wrongdoers should be held to account. A different reality can be spoken into existence by us, if we care enough to learn the Truth, and then develop the Courage and the Will to defend it at all costs.

Summarised from Mark’s Youtube presentations which you can find here

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